Oh, yeah!! So close!
I took the LONG way home (34 miles) along with my 10 mile trip to work makes today's total: 44 miles.
That's right, David Martin! I know you already have that check ready!
Total for the month: 552 miles!!!!
Three days left and only 48 miles to go.
Tonight, I took I-5 home to Vancouver Ave. I had no idea so many bikers used Vancouver Ave. We were like traffic! Bikers were everywhere! I took the Eastside Esplanade to the Springwater Corridor Trail past Oaks Park and then to the I-205 bike path. From there, I biked down to Clackamas Town Center and then turned around and biked home. Whew! It was a gorgeous day and night for a ride.
It's definitely fall here - dark in the mornings and getting darker earlier and earlier in the day!
Here's a picture from my ride back home.
Doesn't this make you want to bike home?
Yes, it does... how 'bout we bike home tomorrow. Two thumbs way up for another big ride!! --Shawn