Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oh, yeah!! So close!

I took the LONG way home (34 miles) along with my 10 mile trip to work makes today's total: 44 miles.
That's right, David Martin! I know you already have that check ready!

Total for the month: 552 miles!!!!

Three days left and only 48 miles to go.

Tonight, I took I-5 home to Vancouver Ave. I had no idea so many bikers used Vancouver Ave. We were like traffic! Bikers were everywhere! I took the Eastside Esplanade to the Springwater Corridor Trail past Oaks Park and then to the I-205 bike path. From there, I biked down to Clackamas Town Center and then turned around and biked home. Whew! It was a gorgeous day and night for a ride.

It's definitely fall here - dark in the mornings and getting darker earlier and earlier in the day!

Here's a picture from my ride back home.

Doesn't this make you want to bike home?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it does... how 'bout we bike home tomorrow. Two thumbs way up for another big ride!! --Shawn
